Erwin de Jong
2010-11-11 10:11:45 UTC
Dear Group,
First off, my knowledge is very limited. I've been asked to make some changes in a system where Aspell is used to add suggestion to search results on a website (typical usage), and I have had limited time for research.
Not the best way to start, I know, but it is how it is.
Now, to the issue.
Basicly I only want suggestions that will lead to actual search results, and a system is in place to make this work already, but there is one issue left with this.
There are still suggestions returned that are basicly the words split into seperate other words.
I wish to prevent this from happening. I checked the nl_affix.dat file, and it contains the following line:
The name suggests exactly what I want, but either this line doesn't do anything or I'm barking up the wrong tree. Sof ar I haven't found anything alternative.
Any help or hints would be appreciated.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Erwin de Jong
WIND Internet
Tijnjedyk 89
8936 AC Leeuwarden
058 - 280 28 87
058 - 288 13 91
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Dear Group,
First off, my knowledge is very limited. I've been asked to make some changes in a system where Aspell is used to add suggestion to search results on a website (typical usage), and I have had limited time for research.
Not the best way to start, I know, but it is how it is.
Now, to the issue.
Basicly I only want suggestions that will lead to actual search results, and a system is in place to make this work already, but there is one issue left with this.
There are still suggestions returned that are basicly the words split into seperate other words.
I wish to prevent this from happening. I checked the nl_affix.dat file, and it contains the following line:
The name suggests exactly what I want, but either this line doesn't do anything or I'm barking up the wrong tree. Sof ar I haven't found anything alternative.
Any help or hints would be appreciated.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Erwin de Jong
WIND Internet
Tijnjedyk 89
8936 AC Leeuwarden
058 - 280 28 87
058 - 288 13 91
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makkelijk berichten afdrukken en opslaan.
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