[Aspell-user] How to use typo analysis? [GishPuppy]
2012-04-19 00:45:13 UTC
A friend of mine KNOWS touch typing, but often strays from the "home row" without bothering to check his typing. This results in emails with things like "gwkki" instead of "hello."

Sometimes, the intended words aren't too difficult to figure out, but it's no unusual for him to send emails with lengthy subject lines in which everything is out of whack.

Is it the purpose of aspell's "typo analysis" to be able to suggest the correct words for situations such as mentioned above? If so, how does one use this feature?

I have tried something along the lines of:

echo "gwkki" | aspell -a --sug-typo-analysis

but the suggestions that aspell gave were clearly the same as normal spell checking without the typo option.

How SHOULD I be using this so that an analysis of "gwkki" will produce a suggestion of "hello", if that is even at all possible?

Thank you.

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